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Women With A Call, International













Statement of Faith


We Believe


The Bible is the infallible Word of God.


Jesus is the Son of the living God.  He was born of Mary, a virgin, and died a literal death at Calvary, was buried in the grave for three days and three nights.  He descended into the lower parts of the earth, set the captives free, rose on the third day and gave gifts to men for the edification of the Church.


Jesus literally ascended into Heaven, sent back the Holy Spirit as promised and sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven in authority.


Only through Jesus Christ can man be saved by faith believing in one’s heart and confessing with the mouth that Jesus is Lord.


The Holy Spirit is a gift of God.  He can be received upon asking, by laying of hands, or while hearing the Word of God.


Water baptism answers to a good conscience of a born-again believer.


Jesus is coming again to catch away the believers and we will return with Him in Glory.


After satan is bound 1000 years, the saints will live and reign for 1000 years on earth.




According to Isaiah 6:8. Acts 2:17, Ephesians 4:8-13, WWACI INC. believes that God has and does call women not only to minister in administration and helps, but also to stand in the office of Prophet, Apostle, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher.  The Bible clearly stated “There is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:28




In the summer of 1986, the Lord admonished Apostle Elizabeth Hairston to bring women together from all over the world that they may be encouraged in their call to minister, whether they stand in an office to edify the Body of Christ or they serve in helps or governments.


This would be accomplished, in the form of monthly meetings, which would prepare the women for an Annual International or National Meeting.


While in Benin City, Nigeria, the fall of 1986, the launching of “WOMEN WITH A CALL INTERNATIONAL” took place.  A Planning Council was then set for June 1987 to establish the order of the ministry and to inform the women in Miami of the special call of God.


Since such time, WWACI INC. is yet spreading from city to city and state to state.  Branches in other countries are opening in fulfillment of the international call the Lord has placed on WWACI INC.  Branches are established Nationally & Internationally in FLORIDA, NEW YORK, GEORGIA, OHIO,, NORTHCAROLINA, VIRGINIA, LOUISIANA, MICHIGAN, SURINAME, WEST AFRICA, EAST AFRICA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS, CARIBBEAN ISLANDS, NETHERLANDS, SOUTH AMERICA  each branch holds a monthly meeting that may include exhortations, preaching, teaching, workshops, seminars, etc.  These Branches from all across the world come together for a yearly National or International Meeting.


The first International Meeting was held during the month of August 1988, in Miami, Florida.  Other locations for succeeding years have been and will be selected as the Spirit of the Lord gives direction.





The Office of the President


  • The President must be a member of WWACI INC.


  • To conduct and oversee all branch meetings


  • All final decisions must be approved by the President


  • All committee chairwomen report to the President


  • The President is to solve any problems on the local level


  • All reports, letters and disbursements must have the President’s approval​​

Applicants for president, vice-presidend or to start a new branch of the WWACI need to have a signed released form from their pastor.  Please click the button below to download it, print it, have your pastor sign it and email it to: or you can upload the file after completing the application.
WWACI Online Application Form
I am applying for the position of

Title: (Please choose one)

Are you a U.S. Citizen?
Marital Status:
How did you hear about Women With A Call, Inc.? (Please check one)
Current ministry status:
Area of involvement in ministry:
Upload File

Thank you for your application. After review, someone will get back to you.

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